CoreWeave plans to sell shares at $47 to $55 per share, raising up to $2.70 billion, and will list on Nasdaq under the symbol CRWV, according to its IPO prospectus. The company specializes in Nvidia cloud computing processors, and customers include Meta and Microsoft. Revenue growth in 2024 will exceed 700% to $1.92 billion, with Microsoft contributing 62%. By the end of 2024, the company will deploy more than 250,000 Nvidia GPUs in 32 data centers. The IPO is led by Morgan Stanley and underwrit...
CoreWeave 的 IPO 招股说明书中显示,计划以每股 47 至 55 美元的价格发行股票,募资最高 27 亿美元,并将在纳斯达克上市,代码CRWV。公司主营 Nvidia 云计算处理器,客户包括 Meta 和微软。2024 年营收增长超 700% 至 19.2 亿美元,其中微软贡献 62%。截至 2024 年底,公司在 32 个数据中心部署超 25 万张 Nvidia GPU。此次 IPO 由摩根士丹利主导,摩根大通和高盛参与承销。
OpenAI has signed a five-year cloud computing contract with US cloud computing company CoreWeave for $11.90 billion.
Cloud computing provider CoreWeave plans to acquire AI developer platform Weights & Biases for $1.70 billion before its IPO. Previously reported, cloud computing provider CoreWeave today filed for an initial public offering (IPO) application. The company is expected to raise $4 billion at a valuation of more than $35 billion.
云计算提供商 CoreWeave 计划在 IPO 前以 17 亿美元收购 AI 开发者平台 Weights & Biases。 此前报道,云计算提供商 CoreWeave 今日提交了首次公开募股 (IPO) 申请。该公司预计将筹集 40 亿美元,估值超过 350 亿美元。
云计算提供商 CoreWeave 今日提交了首次公开募股 (IPO) 申请。该公司预计将筹集 40 亿美元,估值超过 350 亿美元。 文件显示,该公司在 2024 年的营收为 19 亿美元,但由于其在人工智能领域的投资,导致净亏损 8.63 亿美元。目前,该公司累计亏损达 15 亿美元。 CoreWeave 最初名为 Atlantic Crypto,于 2017 年 成立,最初提供用于以太坊挖矿的基础设施。随着数字货币价格下跌...
Core Scientific(CORZ)周三盘后股价大涨超过11%,因为这家数据中心和比特币挖矿公司表示,它正计划与CoreWeave合作,以12亿美元扩建位于德克萨斯州丹顿的数据中心,以支持人工智能(AI)和高性能云计算(HPC)。 “声明称:"丹顿数据中心新增的 70 兆瓦(兆瓦)合同电力将使全部关键 IT 负载增至约 260 兆瓦。
Artificial intelligence startup CoreWeave has teamed up with NVIDIA (NVDA. O) to launch a cloud instance based on NVIDIA GB200 NVL72, an industry first.
Microsoft will spend about $10 billion to use CoreWeave's cloud computing data center for its artificial intelligence business.
Nvidia-backed cloud computing company CoreWeave has hired two executives from Google and Oracle to build its own artificial intelligence infrastructure. Among them, Chen Goldberg previously served as general manager and vice president of engineering at Alphabet's Google, and will serve as senior vice president at CoreWeave in the future. Sachin Jain previously served as senior vice president of artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure and product management at Oracle, and will serve as chief ...